Spicy Shrimp Sushi Stack

Spicy shrimp sushi stack is way easier to make than sushi rolls. So much so, that my daughter came to help in the kitchen. That doesn’t happen often. Oh, and let me tell you the about the two different sauces. A typical sriracha sauce PLUS a wasabi sauce. The two sauces together kick this simple shrimp sushi up another level.

Spicy shrimp sushi stack is way easier to make than sushi rolls.

Serve 4
Cook in 35 minutes

Wasabi Sauce
1/4 C Mayo
1 tbsp Rice Wine Vinegar
1/2 tbsp Wasabi Paste
1 tsp Sesame Oil
three dashes salt

Sriracha Sauce
1/2 C Mayo
3 tsp Sriracha
3 tsp Sweet Chili Sauce
1/4 tsp Salt

Shrimp stacks
1 1/3 cups cooked sushi rice
1 pound cooked shrimp, cleaned and diced into 1" pieces
1 cup diced cucumber (about 1 small)
1 medium avocado, mashed
4 tsp. reduced-sodium soy sauce


  • Cook rice according to package directions, omitting salt. Allow the rice to cool.
  • In a small bowl mix the ingredients for the wasabi sauce. Set aside.
  • In another small bowl, mix the ingredients for the sriracha sauce. Set aside.
  • Using a 1 cup dry measuring cup, layer cup cucumber, then avocado, then the shrimp, and about a 1/3 cup rice.
  • Place the serving plate on top of the cup, carefully turn the cup and plate upside down to turn the stack out onto the plate, lightly tapping the bottom of the cup.
  • Drizzle about 1 teaspoon of soy sauce over the top of the sushi, then drizzle the wasabi sauce and the sriracha sauce over the top of the sushi. Sprinkle with the sesame seeds.
  • Repeat with remaining ingredients and serve immediately.