Pindang Serani Milkfish Cooking Recipe - Who doesn't like cooking practical, easy and fast but also delicious? I'm one among the supporters, if you browse on the web or read books/magazines about recipes, then I attempt to find a simple and fast. It seems that even in my office my friends have an equivalent thought. For office workers like me, the time to cook is extremely limited except on holidays, recipes with complicated processing are always avoided.

I have cooking tips that you simply might try at home:
To refine ingredients like coriander, onion, garlic, and other seasonings I exploit a blender.
Curly red chili I usually stock rather large amounts, I puree employing a blender with rock bottom speed in order that the chili seeds aren't finely ground. Then I put in small plastic bags almost one serving. Put it within the freezer, this frozen chili lasts for 1 month. This method additionally to saving time when cooking also makes the chili durable, especially when the worth of chili is dear like now, just storing it within the refrigerator won't make it last longer.
My coriander and pecan roasted first, additionally to creating it more fragrant and sturdy (pecan likes to be eaten by a kind of powdered insects) also make coriander more easily mashed because it's crispy. For hazelnut, this method reduces the bad smell.
I love to use scallions in cooking, unfortunately, they're easily damaged even within the refrigerator. Well, usually so as to last, I clean the scallions, slice, then put in plastic and freeze within the freezer. If you would like it, I just got to take it within the freezer. This method makes the leeks last longer but doesn't reduce the fragrance.
Fragrant orange leaves, delicious for seasoning sour fish sauce. Usually, if you only leave it at temperature, orange leaves will dry easily and therefore the color will turn brown, the smell won't smell good anymore. To be durable and not dry quickly, I usually wrap it in paper then put it within the bottom of the refrigerator (not the freezer). This method makes orange leaves albeit dry, the color remains green and therefore the smell remains fragrant.
For cooking, I prefer cooking dishes where I can put vegetables and side dishes together in it. for instance soup or meatball soup, spinach vegetables with tofu or fish soup with chicory.
The Recipe of Milkfish Pindang Serani below is an example. To eat it is often eaten a bit like that or by adding polished rice. Hmm, fresh, delicious and practical.
What about your cooking tips at home?
Milkfish Cook Pindang Serani
Ingredients :
- 1 milkfish weighing 300 - 400 grams, clean dig 4 parts
- 2 scallions, roughly sliced
- 600 ml of water
- 4 pieces of chicory leaves, dig pieces, optional
Sliced seasoning:
- 4 cayenne pepper, cut transversely
- 3 red onions
- 2 grains of garlic
- 1 segment of ginger
- 1 turmeric segment
- 2 red tomatoes
- 2 lemongrass, flaked
- 4 pieces of orange leaf
- 2 bay leaves
Other seasonings:
- 1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar
- 1/2 tablespoon of salt
- 1/2 teaspoon of broth powder
- 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon cooked vinegar
How to make:
- Squeeze the milkfish with 1/2 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of juice, let represent 20 minutes. Set aside.
- Add water to the pan, add all the spices except leeks, vinegar, and tomatoes. Cook until the water boils.
- Add milkfish, tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, salt, powdered broth, and pepper. Cook until the fish is cooked. Taste the taste, add cooked cabbage until wilted and cooked. don't be too long in order that the cabbage isn't too ripe.
- Shortly before lifting, enter the leek and boiled Serani able to be served. This food is best eaten while it's hot.
Nutrition Info
Milkfish features a soft, chewy and attractive meat texture, also has abundant protein content (20.38%) and omega-3 (14.2%) which is extremely needed in cell formation and brain development and memory in children.